I made this thread because recently some of my friends lost hundreds of TOCS and I have also lost all my items and these items are the best in the mobile server. I never shared any of my account information with anyone and played normally and then one day all my items disappeared. I tried to talk with the admins but they are not willing to help. I made this thread for me to reach out to players who have experienced the same situation. Please share your experience below and we can discuss about it. I belong to a large group of well-known players in the player community in the mobile server please don't be afraid to share your own experience. If the admin blocks this thread instead of communicating with the players that supported them then it means something is wrong. Now I can see different players selling all my hard-earned items to different people and enjoying the game without any punishment for what they did. PLEASE SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE BELOW IF YOUR ACCOUNT WAS HACKED OR YOUR ITEMS SUDDENLY JUST DISAPPEARED. THANK YOU EVERYONE!